Thursday, May 7, 2015

"I take CARE of my abs!"

I got hip to a new trending thing online the other day; something that goes by the phrase "dadbod".

The phrase was popularized by a Clemson Student in an article about this body type, the mantra for which is "I go to the gym sometimes, but I also like to eat 8 slices of pizza and drink beer..."

Ok I like pizza and beer as much as the next guy, but seriously, please miss me with this embracing mediocrity bullshit.

Full disclosure, I'm in the throes of a really serious health push right now, so I'm a bit biased, but I have some BIG problems with this "movement"

In the Buzzfeed article, the examples of the body type are images of Jack Black, Seth Rogen and cats like that...doughy, schlubby....RELATIVELY healthy, "regular guy" types. In principle, there's nothing wrong with that body type......but attempts to popularize it smack of what Chris Rock might call "I take care of my kids syndrome"

So let me say that there's nothing wrong with the dadbod per se.....there are obviously plenty of dudes running around who look like this. RELATIVELY healthy, but certainly not in IDEAL health. The problem is, one is SUPPOSED to be relatively healthy. You don't get points for that, you barely get an also ran for that! You can't present "also ran" as an IDEAL because it's actually the LACK of an ideal. It says "you're fine pudgy, long as you're not TOO fat. Once again, yet another voice is telling people to be excited about mediocrity...."avoid excellent! Run from personal greatness as fast as you can!" I've talked about this before.....I probably will again

Now of course, this is just me, and is informed by the fitness journey that I am currently on, but there's already enough media telling people it's ok to just be ok. Moderation makes sense in some things, but if you're not going to make a real commitment to your health goals, just stay home. Too much middle of the road mentality in this case ain't a good look.

Besides, my Dad was/is built like a fuckin' tank

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