Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does anyone else hear that spinning sound coming from the direction Forest Lawn off the 134?

Poor Little stupid-ass T-Pain....
It took me so long to get to the point where I found you barely tolerable. I even found myself digging "Buy you a Drank". I figured "okay, he's found himself a little lane for himself with the auto-tune bit. Whatever; he's not so bad.
And then this sludge.....Good Lord man, how could you commit such an act of treason! There are some things you just don't mess with.
P.Y.T. is one of those perfect pop gems that balanced an undeniable groove with an edgy sense of urgency. Michael's vocal is damn near perfect in how it pushed the song forward, thematically and aesthetically. At first, light and playful....a little more urgent at the pre-chorus...and then when the chorus kicks in, Holy Crap, when did Michael Jackson turn into Teddy Pendergrass? This was a damn near perfect song. And now here comes this fool....
First of all, he made the song SOFT!!! Michael always had a reputation as a pretty sensitive guy, but PYT always served as an example that as an artist, he could do agressive and be very convincing. T-pain's synthed-out instrumental might as well be smooth jazz. In addition, the whole point of the song was that a guy sees a girl that he has to have, so he's willing to give her "all that I've got". The changes that T.P. makes in the lyrics totally spit in the face of this idea and make the song all about him. "Where did you Come from baby", becomes "You know where I come from Shawty"....."Now is the perfect time, we can make it right in the city lights" becomes "Jump in my ride...we can drink all night till they close the club". T-Pain probably figured the rewrite gave the lyric a "modern swag". In truth, the changes dumb the song down and reflect the arrogance of today's "artists". Robin Thicke tries to make the save in verse two, and there are a few other ringers brought in to give the song some extra weight, but by this time the damage has been irreversably done.
And then this dumbass has the nerve to come out and release a statement addressing the negative feedback, which started thusly: "For all the ppl that hate mr(sic) for ruining pyt just stop listening to my shit." That's the point you ASS; it's NOT YOUR SHIT!!! It's Michael's! And it was a great song!! Admittedly, you Turned it into shit, but please understand that the fact that it's not your shit is the very reason people are upset.
I'm so glad it's not just me. Websites hither and yon have lambasted this embarrasment. The people know the truth. The truth is, based on what T-Pain did to this song, he should quit music and become a butcher.
Here's the original to wash out the taste of that awfulness.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for posting this! I cant stand many of today's artist that ripoff music and call it artistry. Its a blatant attempt at stealing the ears of those of us who know quality music, while trying to hide his lack of talent. Its like putting pretty wrapping paper on a big ball of poop. It looks nice, but you can still smell the crap from a mile away!

  3. Ooh wee...What's up with that?? I totally agree with your post. It is really time for T-Pain to take his autotuned self and go find the right pitch.
